Sunday, August 21, 2011

Better Late than Never

Hi! Well, this is my first time writing a blog...we'll see how this goes. If it's anything like my journal-keeping attempts when I was a kid, it may not go all that well! (My normal method was to scribble furiously for the first two weeks and then forget it for a year.) However, now that I'm older I am determined to be more constant, and I'm sure I'll have a lot more to write about!
I'm very excited - it's hard to believe that I'm actually leaving tomorrow. For some of you, it might be a surprise that I am still in N.C., as I was originally supposed to leave two weeks ago. But I had issues getting my visa, so it turns out I had to wait an additional two weeks to leave. This gave me ample time (I hope) to remember all the little things I would have forgotten, to meet up one last time with some more of my friends, and to pack and repack and repack my suitcases.

Speaking of which, meet the family (I've cajoled, cursed, and pleaded at them enough that they have acquired names): Mr. Suitcase, Mrs. Suitcase, Junior, and the Backpack. Mr. and Mrs. Suitcase have serious weight issues - they cannot seem to remain at the healthy weight of fifty pounds required to take them onto the plane. No matter how many times I go through them, I can't seem to take out enough stuff. At the moment, they are wavering at about 49 pounds apiece, and I'm sure I'll have to cram in something last minute that will tip them over. Oh well...
    I'm really interested to find out what it will be like living in Moscow. I'm hoping I will be able to do a homestay with a Russian family, because I'm very eager to better my Russian, and at the moment I'm at that aggravating point where I can understand a good bit but can only speak very slowly, and unless I'm in an atmosphere where I'm forced to speak Russian constantly I fear I won't get much further! Speaking of Russian, I'd better explain the title of my blog - "Moskvitchka" means a female resident of Moscow. I could have just used "Muscovite" and still had the alliteration, but "Muscovite" is an ugly word to look at and say, and I like "Moskvitchka" (musk-veech-ka) much better. Actually, you should be relieved - I originally was going to name my blog "Podmoskovnie vechera" (Evenings in Moscow) after a Russian song that I like, but my Mom was convinced (and she was probably right) that no one would be able to remember that name.
    Well, I had better get off the computer as it is thundering outside (my last NC thunderstorm!), and I still have a few things to do before tomorrow. The next time I write, I will be in Moscow! Wish me luck and a good trip!

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